Rome and the Eastern Churches PDF
By:Aidan Nichols
Published on 2010 by Ignatius Press
In the second edition of this major work, Dominican theologian Aidan Nichols provides a systematic account of the origins, development and recent history—now updated—of the relations between Rome and all separated Eastern Christians. By the end of the twentieth century, events in Eastern Europe, notably the conflict between the Orthodox and Uniate Churches in the Ukraine and Rumania, the tension between Rome and the Moscow patriarchate over the re-establishment of a Catholic hierarchy in the Russian Federation, and the civil war in the then federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, brought attention to the fragile relations between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, which once had been two parts of a single Communion. At the start of the twenty-first century, in the pontificate of Benedict XVI, a papal visit to Russia—at the symbolic level, a major step forward in the ‘healing of memories’— appears at last a realistic hope. In addition, the schisms separating Rome from the two lesser, but no less interesting, Christian families, the Assyrian (Nestorian) and Oriental Orthodox (Monophysite) Churches, are examined. The book also contains an account of the origins and present condition of the Eastern Catholic Churches—a deeper knowledge of which, by their Western brethren, was called for at the Second Vatican Council as well as by subsequent synods and popes. Providing both historical and theological explanations of these divisions, this illuminating and thought-provoking book chronicles the recent steps taken to mend them in the Ecumenical Movement and offers a realistic assessment of the difficulties (theological and political) which any reunion would experience.
This Book was ranked at 25 by Google Books for keyword Theology Ecclesiology novel.
Book ID of Rome and the Eastern Churches's Books is Hje62q52XNsC, Book which was written byAidan Nicholshave ETAG "llA4WU37v8c"
Book which was published by Ignatius Press since 2010 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781586172824 and ISBN 10 Code is 1586172824
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "407 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryReligion
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is trueand in ePub is true
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